Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Fast Food: Friend or Foe

First let’s start by asking a question, who doesn’t like fast food? Everyday many people consume it, whether it’s for breakfast, lunch, and/or dinner, you just think its so fast and easy not thinking about the consequences. I myself use to work at a fast food place and use to see the same people eating there everyday, the same thing. Doesn’t it get tiring? But you know what, everyone has there weaknesses and favorites, whether it be a Big Mac from McDonald’s or a whopper from Burger King, people just can’t get enough of it. With all the commercials and billboards on the freeways or streets, they influence our ways of thinking and they suggest we should eat there; food is always better on the go. If you notice, the picture on the billboard or the hamburger on television, it looks nothing like it in real life. We all know that, and are always thinking “This isn’t what it’s suppose to look like” but yet we keep going back for more.

Your eventually going to pay a price for consuming fast food, yeah it’s cheap but also unhealthy, by all the calories, all the saturated fat and sodium that makes a person fatter, clogged arteries and a high blood pressure. I mean if it’s so dangerous why eat it? The recommended daily calories for women are about 2000; for men it’s 2500. Fast food is just going to make it worse, you only think in that moment and be like “yeah I want some right now” but yet want to complain later on. People protest and get upset about being fat everyday. You notice that even though they might work out and try to diet, the next day it’s like what happened, they’re back to eating fast food; they obviously don’t care that much but yet they blame the fast food industry for it. Even some fast food restaurants like Carl’s Jr. show their menu with the nutrition information to let their customers be aware. Isn’t that ironic? If they’re telling you that there single guacamole burger is 850 calories, 500 calories from fat, sodium 1430, etc., why eat it? It’s a heart attack waiting to happen. At one point you should think about what do you value and should start watching what you eat.

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