Tuesday, May 19, 2009

From Myspace, to Face book, to Twitter ...

Have you noticed how everyone, who is anybody is on MySpace? I go to school, people are on MySpace, when I am at work I constantly here the little kids talking about being on it and who is who’s friend, and I also here about it when I am home, whether it is on the news or not. When people ask if I have a MySpace, they are surprised that I do not have one. They go “really” in amazement. It never really caught my attention even if all of my friends had one does not mean necessarily that I need to have one to be in the loop. Fact is, if you notice, there is a lot of drama because of MySpace. People start fights through there and also couples break up because of the rumors that he might be talking to someone else. Why even be on MySpace, if you know you are going to end up having endless problems because of it? I guess people just like the attention or excitement that it brings to their lives.

            Now to top it all off, we have face book. I was making my 26-year-old sister an account today and I asked her why was this so important and she said because everyone has one. Is she saying that just because we see what other people do, it is okay to copy? Monkey see monkey do. She does not even know why she wants it, if it had not been for her co-worker, she would not have got one. I just told her it is the same thing as MySpace. Like she said “No there is a difference”. It happens to be that Face book is supposedly more sophisticated, different age group. Everybody is going to not care and end up on there.

            As time passes, there are going to be more new internet virtual chat rooms for people to talk on like the newest one today “Twitter”. They made such a big deal of this that it even came out on the news about Ashton Kutcher having one million friends on there. This is even affecting the news, it is basically taking over the world. 

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