Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Diet Pills


             Have you ever noticed, the different kinds of diet pills there are? We see so many on television, thinking wow that can actually happen to me if I take a diet pill. They are just trying to get the consumers to buy, buy, buy the entire product and it will not even work half the time. We see on the commercials the before and after shots of the person but how do we not know that they are not digitally enhanced photos done to stun there audience. I think the hydroxycut ad is very effective for women. The way they advertise this pill, even makes me wonder if it is possible to the extent of I might want to take it. Once at the gym, I saw one of the trainers had this diet pill and asked if it really did work and they said, “Yes of course but not for me to take it”. Like what is that suppose to mean. I am guessing that only bigger people who are actually trying to lose weight should take it. However, does this actually beat just regular diet and exercise? Personally, if a person just wants to lose weight that should be all there is to it. Why rely on some pill that can have effects on your body or that will not even work?

            Diet and exercise should just be enough for people who are trying to lose weight; if they put enough effort into that instead of some pill they can acquire the results they want. Who actually knows if these different diet pills that are constantly being advertised on television work? The advertisers are simply trying to get your money by taking the easy way out. There is never going to be an easy way out in life, we all need to work hard to get where we want to be.  

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